Spanish MoD has launched a program for the purchase of systems of this type with a budget of 127 million
The Army is committed to equipping its units with embarked mortars. The plan is to acquire systems with a caliber of up to 120 mm, a range of more than 10 kilometers and MRSI capacity (firing of several projectiles with simultaneous impact).
The objective is to extend its use on different platforms: the Vamtac ST5, on which there is already in development in service in the Marine Corps, the Eimos of Expal; the 8×8 Wheeled Combat Vehicle (VCR); and also the future Chain Support Vehicle (VAC).
The Ministry of Defense already has a program underway for the purchase of embarked mortars for the Armed Forces. This project, pending approval by the Council of Ministers, has a budget of 125 million until 2027 – 35 million this 2023.